Analysis and Metrics
Make Informed Decisions and Improve the Learning Environment
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Making Sense of What You Know

Instructor Reports
AccuSkills reports help instructors quickly asses each student, and each class's performance. Reports include:
• Student Log-in reports
• Lesson Viewing habits
• Test Score and Most Missed Question reports
• Attendance Reports
• Student/Class comparison charts

Admin Reports
The Administrator of each institution can easily track the performance of the instructors, students, classes, courses, and lessons to fine tune the direction and quality of your education. Admin reports include:
• Instructor reports - see how many lessons each instructor has created, the adoption rate for each lesson, overall performance of each class an course by instructor, and percentage of revenue contribution by instructor
• Student Engagement - Track enrollment trends, month-by-month sign-up trends, student access reports
• Lesson Engagement- Track individual lesson deployment, revenue, and adoption rates
• Revenue Analysis - Understand where the most of your revenue is generated, lesson sharing and sales reports across multiple institutions, engagement and success trackers, testing and assessment quality of each lesson